What the Future of Open Rates Looks Like and Beyond

Even at its best, open rate as a metric was not a key indicator of success — it was merely a proxy we used along the way. Website visits, purchases, revenue generated; those are the sorts of goals we’re after when crafting an email campaign. And in a post-MPP world, it’s more important than ever to keep their entire customer experience in mind, not just open rates.

Creative ways to track engagement without tracking opens

Yes, open rates offered insight into how engaged your subscribers were, and you might be worried about how to track reader engagement moving forward. Don’t fret, there Greece Phone number data are plenty of other, more important metrics to track that will give you a better understanding of how and how frequently subscribers are interacting with your emails.

Use surveys to get a pulse on your subscribers

Phone Number List

Including surveys in your emails moving forward is going to be clever for a couple of reasons. First, surveys are a great way to invite clicks in an email that might not garner many otherwise. Giving readers different ways to click on your emails will help you get a good idea of who’s engaged and who isn’t. Second, surveys can be a great way to gather first-party data. You can ask your subscribers for their content preferences, or even gather information. Asking for data like their location or what industry they work in with help you segment your audience further, and deliver a more personalized email experience.

Screenshot of an email from Chili Piper

Chili Piper executes the survey idea well in a recent newsletter. There’s more content underneath, but leading with a survey in the intro gives readers a Betting Email List clickable element up top. It also gives Chili Piper the chance to learn more about their subscribers in a friendly, voluntary way.

Encourage replies

Replies are also a trackable metric that you can use to monitor email engagement. And what’s cool about this one is that inviting replies is much more personal. It shows that there’s a person behind the creation of that email, not just a company. With this in mind, you’ll want to make sure you have a system in place for handling replies. Asking for replies in an email going to a huge list all at once could overwhelm whoever is replying to them on your team. But asking for a reply to a welcome email, for example, which goes out automatically at different times, is unlikely to overwhelm your inbox too much.

Look at user activity on your website

As we mentioned earlier, the goal of an email campaign is rarely just to get opens or clicks. Than not, it’s what a user does after clicking through your email that’s important. If you have access to Google Analytics or other tools on your website, use it to see what activity users ate taking after clicking your email. How many are purchasing a product? How many are scheduling a demo? It’s often the activity after they click an email that matters, and those are the high-value insights you need to include in your reporting.

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