MemberPress a un multisitio de WordPress

MemberPress a un multisitio de WordPress Each migration scenario is different depending on the underlying motivation and goals.

En nuestro caso, teníamos 3 objetivos principales:

Business Goal: Migrate to a WP Multisite network aime at making it easier to onboard partners to a share platform.
Objetivo financiero: Crear un proceso con un mantenimiento y un esfuerzo administrativo mínimos.
Marketing Objective: Cree SEO Advantages .
With this in mind, we will walk you through our starting point and target state so you can get an idea of ​​the technical scope of the migration.

Where do we start?

A unique WordPress site with Member Press (MP) Pro that allows clients to:

Take advantage of MP premium features like MP Courses to sell digital products.
Keep your accounting operations compliant with local regulatory requirements (Germany) by using a PDF invoice add-on.
Target state
We wante to upgrade to a WordPress multisite network that still offere all the premium features to customers, but also

Allows sellers (partners) to join the network

It allows them to launch their own digital marketing services for clients.
multisite target
Figure 1: Multi-Site Target State – Site Overview
You can learn more about WordPress Multisite use cases in our project overview article .

multisite target state functionality
Figure 2: Multisite Target State – Feature Summary
Additional local requirements may complicate migrations
Do you serve clients who do not speak English as their native language? If so, you may face requisitos adicionales that the destination State must support or comply with.

Los siguientes requisitos locales tuvieron una repercusión directa en la migration scheule and the extent to which we had to rely on Memberpress support:

The process and tools worke perfectly for us and should work for most MemberPress data migrations to a WP Multisite.

We’ve learne a number of lessons along the way that we want to share with you to make your next migration even easier.

Lessons learne: 5 potential obstacles and their solutions

1. Language settings
We do not install MP on the main site of the multisite network.

The language setting didn’t work out of the box.

Primer paso: Cambia el directorio de archivos.

Lack of clear business goals · 2. Focusing on technology over strategy · 3. Poor data qualityNot being prepared · 2. Being too aggressive · 3. Failing how to build telemarketing data to listen · 4. Speaking to the wrong person · 5. Talking too much · 6. Using closedThese 7 common telemarketing mistakes could ruin your business’ reputation and result.

how to build telemarketing data

MP directory for custom language files

Figure 3: MP directory for custom language files
Segundo paso: Update the language files to the new version.

Paso 3: Migrate the translation data to the update language files.

Paso 4: Activate the capitalization unleash explosive business growth with precision marketing rule for the term “weeks” (in German “Wochen” – temporary fix in MemberPress).

Lecciones aprendidas
Don’t wait to check out the MP release notes. Check them out when they become available.

2. Billing period
In Germany, there are additional phone number list accounting requirements. Each invoice must specify the period of service provision.

Figure 4: Custom PDF invoice template

Custom PDF invoice template (base on modern.php)
While we anticipate some issues with this adde consideration, there were actually no issues. Restoring the custom filter in the child theme of the multisite subsite worke without any issues.

3. Thematic styles
We design the course material (premium content) using our clients’ corporate designs to be consistent with the unrestricte content of the website.

WordPress theme stylesheets, including corporate colors, fonts, and text styles, would not be available immeiately.

Manually enqueue WordPress theme stylesheets by añadir un filtro to the multisite child theme.

Lecciones aprendidas

The MemberPress support and theme developer teams were happy to help us create consistent styles.

4. 4. Legal requirements
There were two legal requirements that we had to meet:

Before making a purchase, users must have access to the Terms of Service (ToS – in German AGB) as well as the Data Privacy Policy (Datenschutzerklärung).
To ensure compliance with local data privacy regulations, Google Fonts may not be loade from the Google server.
Google fonts had to be loade from our own server.

Primer paso: Restore a filter in the multisite subpage child theme that displays an additional ToS checkbox in the first of a two-step checkout process.

Illustration 5: Custom field on the initial screen of the two-phase payment
Illustration 5: Custom field on the initial screen of the two-phase payment
Segundo paso: Store the Google Fonts files on your own web server and add two filters to the child theme of the multisite subsite. MemberPress support provide us with a custom filter to help us out.

Custom filter example provide by MP Help Desk
Figure 6: Example of custom filter provide by MP Help Desk
Lecciones aprendidas
Enabling custom fonts for MP generally does not automatically enable custom fonts in the PDF Invoice Add-on.

5. Invoice number format

Accounting best practices suggest a naming convention for invoice numbers that includes the current year.

We wante to be able to reissue invoices from previous years from the new system without changing invoice data from previous transactions.

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