How to Create a Meal Planning Membership Site with WordPress in 6 Steps

You know… to earn a reliable, passive income from your recipes and diet advice without relying solely on display ads, one-off ebook sales, or unpreictable coaching fees.

Meal planning memberships are a great way to do this. Unfortunately, the options are limite. Many nutrition coaching tools are designe for private coaching, not large groups. And custom development is expensive.

Impractical and out of reach, right?

Wrong! With MemberPress and MealPro App you can use your existing content to launch a meal planning subscription and start earning recurring revenue without writing a line of code.

In this guide, we’ll examine how meal planning memberships work, and then dive into the exact steps you can take to start your own program.

How do meal planning memberships work?

Meal plan illustration
There are 2 principles we see in successful meal planning affiliations.

First, you have to help people helpA continuación, tienes que añadir tus recetas y planes de comidas para que la gente los utilice.

Tip: You don’t nee hundres of recipes to launch your membership. We know people who starte with just 25 recipes and a meal plan, and adde more each week.

If you already have a blog with recipes, you can import them using the MealPro App’s importar de URL feature . También puee añadir recetas introduciendo manualmente los detalles.

There is also a bulk import option – some WordPress recipe plugins like WP Recipe Book allow you to export your recipes para facilitar la importación.

Create a recipe in MealPro App

Puee crear e importar recetas en MealPro App.
Next, create at least one meal plan so your members have something to customize when they first login. Your members can also create their own plans using your recipes.

Create a meal plan in MealPro App
You can add recipes to a meal plan with just a few clicks.
Step 4) Establish your community
An optional but recommende step is to create a private community for your subscribers. That is, if you don’t have one yet.

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A community allows people to share

Their recommendations, ask questions, and interact with each other, without relying solely on you. It is also a valuable source of information for you.

A popular option is to create a Facebook group .

MemberPress also allows you to create a premium (close) community forum on your WordPress site using bbPress o BuddyBoss as shown create an online community in the video below: themselves . If you want to reach 100, 1,000 or even 10,000 members, you can’t do it all by yourself.

Second, you have to provide phone database ongoing value . Unlike one-time purchases, affiliates have the option to unsubscribe, so they have to feel like you’re worth sticking with.

So, to (1) help people help themselves and (2) provide ongoing value, the cornerstone of your meal planning membership has to be:

Un catálogo de recetas

A selection of recipes to browse, cook and create meal plans. Update regularly.
Planes de comidas semanales o estacionales that people can customize to suit their own nees, or the ability to create their own from scratch.
Shopping lists – to make shopping easier. Ideally, these should be automatically update when changes are made to meal plans (e.g. adjusting portions).
Comunidad – optional but recommende. This way people can share recommendations, ask questions and interact with each other, without relying solely on you.
Herramientas para compartir este contenido and allow people to customize it all themselves.
¿Cuánto debe cobrar?
Según nuestra experiencia, un precio típico puee oscilar entre $5 a $20 al mes (USD) por abonado, junto con descuentos por compromisos más largos (p. ej. 20% de un 12 meses plan).

For example, food blogger

The Girl from Bloor launche her meal planning membership at $8 a month and grew to over 300 miembros en 6 weeks, or $2,400 en ingresos recurrentes.

The Girl On Bloor offers recipes, meal plans, shopping lists, and prep-ahead checklists in their meal planning subscription.
Necessary tools
WordPress para crear su sitio web de marketing.
MemberPress para configurar sus suscripciones y gestionar el acceso de los usuarios.
MealPro app to create your own meal planning app, host your recipes and meal plans and allow people to customize them.

Zapier to connect everything and automate workflows

Facebook (Group) – To host your private community. If you want an alternative, MemberPress has a foro comunitario característica.
How to Create a Meal Planning Subscription with WordPress in 6 Steps
Now that you know how meal planning memberships work and the tools you nee, let’s dive into the steps you can take to create your own.

Paso 1) Configurar WordPress e instalar MemberPress
Puee descargar WordPress directly from your website. However, we recommend that you use a web hosting provider that will handle the setup for you.

Here are some options we recommend:

Once WordPress is set up, you can install MemberPress. Here is a great video tutorial for that:

Getting Starte with MemberPress! (How to Start Your Membership Site)
watch >> Getting starte with memberpress (how to create a membership site)
Paso 2) Configure su aplicación de planificación de comidas
You can hire a developer to do something custom for you, but the costs can add up quickly, not to mention the stress levels.

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