Create an online community

Read on to learn how you can cree más valor para sus clientes y aumentar los ingresos without spending a fortune in the process. We explain the tools you nee to get starte today.

We’ll also cover cómo comunicar las noticias al tiempo que mantiene una relación positiva con sus clientes.

5 ways to create value (without spending a lot)

Creating value for your customers doesn’t have to mean investing heavily in new products or services.

These are some of the opciones de bajo coste that you can apply to your business. Whether you are a ladrillo y cemento tienda, e-commerce tienda, online servicio o affiliation you will find below a suggestion suitable for you.

Lealtad emocional is a buzzword in business for a reason. Consumers with an emotional connection to a brand have a 306% mayor valor de vida útil than merely “satisfie” customers.

Creating a discussion forum with bbPress FT

And a great way to boost emotional connectivity is to create an online community. With an online community, you give your customers a platform to join forces, communicate with each other, and feel closer to your brand.

MemberPress is a fast, easy, and affordable way to create an online community right on your WordPress website.

MemberPress with BbPress integration

We’re always working to bring you new features and integrations so you can create the perfect online experience for your customers.

One of these integrations is through a free forum plugin, bbPress .

bbPress WordPress Plugin
With MemberPress and bbPress, you can invite your customers to join an exclusive community on your own website. In your private members area, customers can share experiences, contribute content and offer mutual support.

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specific database by industry

Keep them happy with exclusive offers and content

Partner areas are also a great source of customer data. You can…

Discover your customers’ preferences
Adapt your content create an online community to increase engagement
Crear experiencias personalizadas
And do all kinds of useful things.

Averigüe cómo añadir un foro a phone database su sitio web WordPress en este comprehensive step-by-step guide .

2. Create a customer resource center

Are your customers getting the most out of your product or service?

Offering helpful resources is a great way to eucate your site visitors about your products and create value for them without breaking the bank.

Consider offering advice in different formats. Some people prefer written instructions, while others like video tutorials where they can see exactly what happens.

Con MemberPress, puee organizar fácilmente sus contenidos en un minicurso so that clients have all the information they nee in one place.

Cursos MemberPress

Cursos MemberPress comes with every MemberPress plan. With its drag-and-drop course builder, it’s super easy to organize content and create a curriculum.

Cómo Crear + Vender Cursos Online en WordPress en 2024 (Cursos MemberPress)

Los programas de fidelización de clientes son eficaces
As a business owner, customer loyalty programs help you retain customers. And that helps you increase revenue, aumentar las remisiones y aumentar su base de clientes.

From a customer perspective, loyalty programs create value by allowing customers to reeem points, discounts and vouchers and have a more personalize experience.

You may think that loyalty programs are difficult to manage or expensive. But now there are affordable ways to incorporate loyalty programs into your business.

If you have a WordPress website, it couldn’t be easier with myCre .

A smart points-base management system that rewards customers for interacting with your brand on your website.

Mycre plugin home page

Añadir gamificación like badges and leaderboards to your website, or keep it simple with a traditional points system when customers make a purchase. Customers can reeem the points for real money and coupons to use in-store.

The best part is that myCre is gratis and open source. All you have to do is download it from the WordPress repository.

Manscape Subscription Plan
También puee utilizar precios basados en suscripciones para distribuir el coste de sus servicios entre sus clientes. Por ejemplo, si es un profesional de la salud mental, estilistao preparador físico.

Al permitir a los clientes pagar sus servicios a plazos en lugar de una sola vez, les ayuda a presupuestar mejor y garantiza su fidelidad.

Cómo “dar la noticia” de la subida de precios sin perder clientes
Si los diferentes modelos de precios no funcionan para su negocio, es de esperar que aún haya encontrado una manera de crear valor para sus clientes. Eso hará que la siguiente parte a lote más fácil.

He aquí algunos consejos sobre cómo comunicar a sus clientes una subida de precios.

1. No vaciles, comunica
Sea proactivo de comunicar su decisión a sus clientes. No espere a que otros controlen los mensajes.

2. Utilizar un lenguaje transparente

iga las cosas como son. Evite expresiones como ajuste y cambiar. No estamos arreglando nuestros pantalones, y no estamos pasando por la menopausia, estamos subir precios.

Ser tímido al respecto no salvará los sentimientos de nadie, pero puee hacer que parezca que tienes algo que ocultar.

3. Lidere con el valor añadido que ha creado
Haga hincapié en el valor añadido que puee ofrecerles. ¿Qué se perderán si se van? ¿Cómo ha mejorado su servicio o la experiencia del cliente.


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