Core web vitals: Google ranking factor

Core web every 1-2 years, the google search engine updates algorithms aimed at improving the quality of search results . Last year, google announced the launch of a new update – core web vitals, which started working in the summer of 2021. We explain what to expect from the algorithm and how these changes will affect google ads advertising . Google algorithm – 2021 – core web vitals core web vitals: what is it? Core web vitals in simple words – ranking factors from google. Their main function is to identify the pages of your site with slow loading, the interactivity of the content and its stability.

In addition to the criteria, page experience indicators include

The ability to adapt sites for mobile phones, the absence of blocks Consumer Mobile Number Database that prevent the perception of the content of the web resource. The presence of https and secure browsing. The main purpose of cwv is to rank the resources with which internet users will interact most comfortably. The new algorithm is not aimed at search robots, but at real people who are targeted by the site’s contextual advertising. The main indicators of core web vitals are 3 criteria: (cumulative layout shift) – general shift of page elements during its loading. Core web vitals the speed of loading the internet page and before the update was an important indicator.

The average value is from 2.5 to 4 seconds

Sites that open longer than 4 seconds will be Betting Email List dropped in search engine results. First input delay counts the time elapsed from the moment a site visitor first interacted with the page to the time the site responded to the request, which is an important factor when installing a new google ad on a site . Websites should aim for a first-time input latency of less than 100ms. The average value is from 100 ms to 300 ms. Anything longer is a negative indicator. To ensure your first latency is under 100ms, you need to getpage load across all mobile and desktop devices. Fid does not include scrolling and zooming. 

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