Make sure that the information in the Availability of goods product cards is always up-to-date. If some items are out of stock, do not delete the card, but write “Out of stock” and offer to subscribe to a notification about the arrival.
Prices should also be up-to-date. If you change oman email list price tags in the store, don’t forget to change them on the website. Showing one price and then setting another when placing an order is bad manners, and you can lose rankings for it.
5. Delivery and payment information
Delivery options and times
Online shopping is impossible without delivery. And the more delivery options you offer, the more loyal your customers will be and the higher you will rise in search.
At a minimum, the site should contain information:
- Delivery methods: courier, pickup, these are feelings of gratitude mail, transport companies
- Delivery regions, and best of all – a map with city marks
- Delivery times for each method and region
- Shipping cost and free shipping terms, if any
Advice: if you have your own courier department, write about it. For the client, your own courier service is a sign of the store’s reliability.
Methods of payment for the order
The more payment options – the better. Show on the site bosnia and herzegovina leads that you can pay with WebMoney or Bitcoin.
Standard set of payment methods:
- Online payment by bank card
- Electronic money: WebMoney, Yandex-money, QIWI
- Upon receipt: cash or card to the courier, at the pick-up point
- Invoice for legal entities and payment by bank details
Important: If you accept online payments on your website, make sure that the secure https protocol is connected. This will protect customer data and increase trust in your website.
6. Customer service
Online consultant and call back
Even the most detailed website will not answer all the client’s questions. Therefore, it is important to provide the opportunity to quickly contact you.
The most popular tools for this are an online consultant and a callback form. The online chat can be placed in the corner of the screen, it will not be intrusive, but the client will always be able to use it. And the callback form is best placed in product cards and on the contacts page.
By the way, it is not necessary to sit a live person down to answer all the questions. For common topics, you can set up a chatbot that will automatically give answers based on key phrases.
Even after the purchase, the client may need your help. Specify on the site how to contact the support service: by phone, in the chat, by email or on social networks.
Ideally, the support service should work and accept requests around the clock. This does not require employees sitting by the phone 24/7; you can set up an automatic form for receiving requests. The main thing is to clearly show on the site at what time the client will receive an answer.
Warranty and return conditions
Another important point is warranty obligations. Describe them on a separate page or in the delivery section. What is the warranty period, who is responsible for warranty service, where should the client contact if the product breaks down – all this information should be there.
And of course, don’t forget about the terms of return and exchange. By law, the customer has the right to return or exchange the goods within 14 days after purchase. Write down the return mechanism, the reasons for accepting the goods back and how quickly you return the money to the card.