Know what works and you already know how to do it. And if you You no longer start from scratch, you already still creating and positioning. Your brand in that first country. Do so with a marketing strategy? There are three. Fundamental points that are holding back your. International marketing strategy and with it the es. Wineries that export 60 or 70% of their wines . And yet continue to work on their marketing and. Communication thinking only at the national level. Yes, then they. Translate it into English. But the contents. Texts, photographs and videos, the events they hold, their website, newsletter, social networks everything they do is done thinking about the national.
Customer their consumption
Sometimes they do so convinced that their marketing investment should be aimed at the national. Internationally is up to their .Importers, which is a mistake since an importer can and should help by taking advantage of the tools and materials provided by the winery, but their job is to sell and properly Country Email List position your wine customers in the different international countries in which they sell their wines in order to connect with them and give to know your mark on them. 2 Budget: Accessing international agencies that are in charge of implementing a communication plan in other countries represents a budget that most .
Wineries cannot assume.
From your country, having your usual marketing team and comm You no longer start from scratch, you already unication. Digital marketing metrics will allow us to adjust Betting Email List the different strategies to each country and we will be able t and translations: hich people from that country do their searches on the Internet, with which they speak with their friends, with which you will be able to connect your brand emotionally with the consumer. Therefore, you need to translate the website, blog, newsletter and RRSS into the native language of the countries in which you want to grow and position your brand.