Which social media is right for your brand?

When it comes to social networks, Which social media the winner par excellence is undoubtedly  Facebook . It has the highest number of active users and is offering more and more new possibilities for businesses. And then there is  Instagram . This is a social network that is still “new” but it has arrived at the right time: in the  Mobile era . In fact, nowadays, consumers spend much more time surfing on their smartphones than on their PCs.

Both social networking platforms are powerful and offer a variety of business opportunities. The two are closely related (Facebook bought Instagram) but they are completely different and should be approached differently.

In fact, it is not possible to apply the same techniques and strategies to both social networks because they have different rules!



Facebook has been around pakistan phone number library for 12 years and it is absolutely normal that at the PRO level, it offers a wider user base than Instagram which, from the last version also available for Android, is only 4 years old. However, it should be noted that Instagram, in recent years, has undergone  truly exponential growth . Let’s take a look at some statistics.



  • 1.5 billion monthly active users,
  • over 90.6% of Facebook users access it from mobile,
  • 100 million hours of video views per day,
  • 50 million small businesses have a Facebook page



  • 400 million advantages and disadvantages monthly active users
  • 75 million users per day
  • 100 million active instagrammers every month
  • 80 million new photos posted every day.
  • 30% of Internet users have an Instagram account
  • over 50% of Instagram users access it from mobile


As you can see from the data, Facebook beb directory has the numbers but Instagram has the commitment.

But since numbers aren’t the only important thing, let’s try to understand who the audience of the two social media is and what differences they present.

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