Handle things faster

Thanks to these practical settings

Want to manage things faster in your CRM? We’ve got you covered! 

This month, we didn’t focus on big features or design overhauls. Instead, we focused on improving your daily workflow.

Here are some of the most practical improvements we’ve made to Salesflare 

Easily reorder custom field options

Do you have custom dropdowns kuwait phone number data or multi-selected dropdowns in Salesflare and want to order the options in a different way?

Now you can do this very quickly by simply  things faster  sliding the different options.

Or, if you want to sort the options alphabetically by default, just check “Sort Alphabetically” to set it and forget it. 

Filter your account timelines faster with (de)select all

If you’re on an account’s timeline as important as hosting the live q&a is to make sure this session will be successful. and want to filter out certain types of interactions or interactions with certain contacts, you’ll find a small filter icon in the top right.

Until now, it was a bit tedious to filter through a large number of options, but that’s no longer the case: you can now switch from selecting “all” to selecting “nothing” and vice versa with a single click.

Invite teammates using a personal link

Can’t find the invitation email? Or don’t want to wait for it to arrive?

Just click “copy link” after inviting things faster a team member and send it to them in a chat.

Many other improvements and bug fixes

We’ve fixed bugs you reported, improved uab directory performance in a few key areas, tweaked some app flows, and more. As always, keep your feedback coming via the live chat on our homepage – we love it! 

Coming soon… 

  • A new and improved funnel analysis 
  • built-in email finder and handy LinkedIn extension 
  • More opportunities to discover new tracks 

Ready to boost your sales? Try Salesflare.

We are an easy-to-use sales things faster CRM for small B2B businesses that is packed with automation and always up to date!

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