Technical teams are working to check the The transport reported area. Work is then carried out. Traffic remains interrupted and the estimated resumption time is pushed back to 4:30 p.m.
However? the maintenance teams were unable to resolve the cause of the malfunction? despite all the checks and tests carried out. The area in trouble will remain under surveillance for the rest of the day? before carrying out night-time investigations and additional searches. The transport plan is lightened until the end of service.
At the end of the work? traffic resumes
During the night of Saturday 8 to italy phone number library Sunday 9 June? despite field searches? the evacuation of stagnant water by drainage and the replacement of components? the maintenance teams were unable to repair the source of the area disruption. adapted for Sunday 9 June? and work is rescheduled for the following night. To carry out this work? an interruption of traffic between Gare du Nord and Châtelet – Les Halles is requested? from 11 p.m. on Sunday evening.
This Monday? the malfunction persists? forcing the teams to adapt and therefore reduce the number of trains in circulation all day. New investigations are carried out all day? in order to determine the as a good marketing professional maintenance to be carried out at night. Traffic is interrupted from 11 p.m.? between Gare du Nord and Châtelet – Les Halles.
During the night of Monday 10 to Tuesday 11 June? the work was completed. The root cause was found: a major short circuit on an installation. The infrastructure was repaired. RER B traffic was restored on Tuesday 11 June as soon as the first trains started running.
Gare du Nord: unparalleled technical complexity
Gare du Nord receives the trains of the germany cell number RER lines B and D on underground tracks? transporting more than a million passengers daily. It is a technical passage point for the trains because their power supply changes? going from 1.5Kv to 25kv. This is called switching.