The Current State of MPP: Where Are We Now?

It’s been about six months since Apple released MPP to the public — going live in September of last year. And while we’ve learn a lot about this feature and how it works, email marketers have been left with a lot of questions as well. What’s been happening during that time?  How is it affecting my metrics? How have email service providers (ESPs) respond?

So, what’s the state of MPP?

A lot has happen since Apple release iOS 15 and Mail Privacy Protection back in September of 2021. For those who don’t remember, Mail Privacy Protection is a France Phone number data new feature in iOS15 that essentially does two things: Effectively disables open tracking, removing an email marketer’s ability to reliably track whether or not it was open and read by a human

Obscures the user’s IP address

Phone Number List

MPP disables open tracking by pre-fetching (or downloading), emails and email images to each device, regardless of whether or not the user opens and reads the message. Email image pixels, which are use to track opens, are include in this download, meaning that the email will count as “opened”, even though the user didn’t open it.

Removing an email marketer’s ability to know their location

The big questions for marketers once this feature was announced were: How many people are going to opt into this new feature? and How drastically Betting Email List will this affect open rates? Six months in, we’re finally starting to get clarity to those questions.

How many people have opted into MPP?

It’s difficult to get a raw number, but we do know that over 75% of all Apple iPhone users are currently using iOS 15, and among them, about 97% have adopted MPP. As you can imagine, that already makes up a large percentage of people. While we don’t know the exact number, SparkPost estimates that 40-50% of all email opens now come from MPP.

Has MPP started affecting open rates?

Definitely. If nearly half of all email opens are coming from MPP, we can be sure that not all of those people are actually opening those emails. In our 2022 Email Marketing Benchmarks report, you can see that open rates have risen steadily since MPP’s release.

Open rates in 2021, shown by month.

Looking at the data, there was a small uptick when Apple released the iOS 15 developer beta. Then again with the public beta. And then, open rates rise drastically and continually when MPP is released to the public. Discover how this media brand grew their email list from 30k to 100k in less than a year.

How we’ve responded at Campaign Monitor

As an email service provider, we know that people like you rely on Campaign Monitor not only to send great email, but to analyze your campaigns and understand what’s working. With that in mind, we’ve made some changes to our platform to help you navigate this new, privacy-centered world.

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