One of the most frequent What Are the Opportunities? questions we get asked when talking about positioning on Google in general is “SEO, what is it?”

Well in this article I will explain to you in simple but effective words what SEO is , how search engine optimization is carried out and what are the opportunities and risks that you can run.

Are you ready? Let’s go!

SEO Activities: What is it?

SEO, an acronym for Search Engine Optimization, is the activity that aims to improve the positioning and consequently the authority of a website. That is, positioning oneself on the first pages of Google without investing in advertising campaigns on Google Ads.

What activities does the SEO discipline consist of?

Generally speaking, it is divided into:

  • onsite seo
  • off site seo

Onsite SEO

On-site SEO , as the peru phone number library term suggests, is the activity that is carried out within the website. It essentially involves:

  • perform a keyword search
  • study and organize the best navigation structure
  • optimize html code
  • deal with content and structure from an SEO perspective (quality, original and correctly formatted content)
  • optimize images (correct sizing and insertion of alt attribute)
  • use speaking urls
  • insert title tags and meta descriptions
  • create an internal link structure
  • Create and optimize your robot.txt file and Sitemap

This is the basis from which to start . On-site SEO energy certificate in the activity is not something that is applied mechanically nor an activity that once completed can be left to itself. It requires constant monitoring to check the progress, the quality of the chosen keywords and adopt corrective actions to help the site on its growth path.

Offsite SEO

Even in this case the term is bfb directory explanatory: off-site SEO is that activity that takes place outside the website. We are talking about Link building , that is, an activity as important as it is “delicate”, as it is opposed by Google, which does not like manipulative links.

What is link building for ?

In essence, to increase the authority and consequently the consideration of the site in the eyes of Google.