Specifically for ucation providers is the result of an idea to create a marketing campaign specifically for the ucation industry. Of course. a special venue. Cologne. home of the Carnival Association. offers participants an unusual and special setting. Attendees from different sectors of the ucation industry came together for a day of interesting lectures. industry-specific networking and quality catering. Divid into three different time periods. marketing. methods and characters. guests can choose the lectures they are most interest in.
Such a special event also requires
The managing director. professor and doctor Hungary Mobile Database of the a brief welcome to the guests. Michael Berneck and Tax Academy Managing Director Endris. Dr Axel Endris . the first class starts immiately. Participants were enthusiastic about the idea and the concept receiv a lot of positive feback. The German Marketing Academy is already looking forward to the continuation of this unique continuing ucation conference. See photos from the day here. the main hall and one of the lecture rooms. Prof. Dr. Michael Berneck. managing director of the German Marketing Society and one of the initiators. welcom the participants. This entry was post on . on . and was post by the Team. General. ucation Customer Category. Tower Inside ucation.
German Marketing Association gave
Ucation Marketing. Conventions. Marketing. Continuing ucation. . German Marketing Institute. Continuing ucation Conference. Review. Similar articles ucation Continuing ucation Conference ucation. Consulting methods and guidance! How can we help you. What is this about. Simply tell us what it’s about. This makes it easier for us to assign you the right contact. Company enter your business name here Name enter your name here Telephone enter your number here Desir call back time Here you can tell us when we can call you between . am to. preferably by phone Contact at pm or pm. Email Enter your email address here. Comment on the first marketing campaign dicat to ucational institutions. What a great idea to provide further information like this on the evening of . ucation in such a wonderful.