An advertising campaign and track its prospects, you need to study the principles of pricing in networks and on search. There are differences between advertising and search campaigns, but they also have something in common. Both campaigns aim to show the target audience the benefits of the advertised product and motivate them to take the desired action. But they deliver the content to the user in different ways. The main weapon of search campaigns is the word: product description, its cost, range, delivery features, etc. Advertising campaigns also use a picture.
In search, payment is made for
The place in the search result that is singapore phone number library displayed after the user enters a keyword . In the Yandex advertising network, they pay for our direct ad to be shown on thematic platforms to users who entered similar search queries on the network In order to and viewed similar products. It is clear that YAN and search users may intersect, because they all look for answers to their questions online, communicate on various forums, read articles on certain topics. In the process, Yandex in every possible way demonstrates to them the products that the advertiser offers.
There are many aspects that influence
The formation of prices for different types what are the advantages of of advertising campaigns. Some of them are present in both YAN and search – flexible settings of the advertising campaign, Yandex auction, relevance of the advertisement. But, unlike search, the click-through rate is not important for display in networks. The number of thematic platforms and their popularity are significant here. In addition, it is essential that exclusion adjustments are configured. Cost per click in Yandex Direct search Six factors that influence the cost of a click on Yandex Direct search: campaign settings; geography; clickability; key frequency; relevance; Yandex Direct auction .
Let’s look at them in more detail
Campaign settings If you set up saudi data adjustments, you can limit or completely disable ad impressions to users who are not your target audience. Most often, the audience under 18 is excluded completely, since this segment is not solvent. In order to, the cost per click will be lower. Conversely, if you set up increasing adjustments for certain segments, advertising costs will increase. Geography The cost per click depends on the region. In order to, the price will be higher than in other regions. One of the main indicators of the quality of an ad is its click-through rate ( CTR ).