Ebook marketing on facebook

According to the  data, more than 1.09 billion users  log into Mark Zuckerberg’s platform daily, which implies a percentage growth of 16% per year.

These are impressive numbers, aren’t they? But it’s not just that. For example, the number of daily likes is 4.5 billion.

And you, as an entrepreneur, would also like to get your share of the pie, wouldn’t you?

In this article, the secrets of  Facebook engagement  and how to create posts that perform well will be revealed.

What is  engagement ?

Engagement   is the main variable of the  Facebook algorithm , and refers to the number of interactions obtained with a given post. For example :

  • Number of times it is shared
  • The “Likes”
  • The comments
  • Clicks on the links
  • Etc.

This means that  the higher the  engagement  on a post, the greater its reach .

When you look at it from a behavioral perspective, it makes a lot of sense.

A shared post that is liked by many people triggers the viral effect, and the algorithm considers that it may be relevant to a larger number of users.

Posts that generate  engagement  on Facebook

But what types of posts have the highest  engagement ?

That’s what we’ll develop next!

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1.    Appointments

Quotes  are responsible for achieving optimal  engagement rates .

In addition to likes, this type of message is the champion when it comes to triggering sharing.

Quotes can be references from well-known authors, parts of a song, catchphrases, thoughts from celebrities from the country or even from abroad, epigraphs or passages from books.

Generally,  they have a motivational character , but they can also have a humorous, didactic effect, among others.

It is important to take quotes from people related to the topic in your area. Successful businessmen in the area, people in general with recognition there, etc.

2.    Questions

In many ways, social media mimics real life.

And it is known that human beings, instinctively, tend to respond when questioned.

Use interrogative phrases wisely and you will see how the number of comments tends to increase.

Oh! And don’t forget: try to keep your sentences short, so they’ll be read in the  user’s news feed  , which has a high tendency to scan.

Certainly, by spotting a question, the Internet user has a great chance of being attracted by it and possibly leaving his answer, thus increasing the reach of your post.

You can also vary the questions, leaving two options to divide the users.

With the new interaction options, many Fanpages began to use emotions to carry out micro-surveys.

Use the resources available!

3.    Tips

Internet users have many problems and want to find solutions to them.

Therefore,   publications that help them solve these problems generate great engagement .

Here it is valid to use niche segmentation: what are the main doubts  of your target audience?

Discover them and give some guidelines to make the life of Internet users easier.

4.    What caption would you give to that image?

One of the posts that generates the most  engagement  on Facebook is the request for users to participate.

People want to show the world their  creativity , and if they can do it on your page, the benefit will be shared.

The images that tend to perform best are the fun and humorous ones, as they generate high rates of comments and people tend to share them more.

Once users take action, their friends in their network can also “like,” disagree, or leave their own suggestion.

5.    Complete the sentence

Let’s get back to the question of scannability.

As we know, a  news feed  is regularly bombarded by everything that is published through personal profiles and Fanpages.

So… you need to stand out.

When a user notices something different while viewing the  feed ,  they will be attracted.

So, write a sentence and leave the field blank for the Internet user to respond.

This will capture your audience and encourage them to interact with your post.

6.    Memes

Memes are one of the main ways to achieve good  engagement rates  on social media.

You can either create them or go with the flow, as many situational memes emerge daily.

Who doesn’t remember the dress that generated controversy due to its color or the confused John Travolta meme?

There are memes, for example, that never go out of style, like the traditional ones: “forever alone” or Freddy Mercury dancing.

However, it is necessary to stay alert to global events, because  a meme can emerge at any time.

7.    Trend in topics

The speed at which information spreads in the digital environment is impressive.

There are news and trends emerging at every moment, and you should be on the lookout for everything that happens, since everything, at some point, can become popular on the Internet.

Take a look at the major events of the moment, the news that impacted the world and the topics that generated controversy.

Current events, also known as “hot topics,” always generate optimal results for a publication.

A good tool to observe the most talked about topics is  Google Trends .

8.    Images

The old saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” can be applied to Facebook.

Posts that have attached images tend to perform luxembourg mobile database better compared to written posts.

Therefore, choose images wisely, so that they complement the texts and are accompanied by the link, if applicable.

They can often be used alone, or have text included in the image itself.

Images  are easy to view and grab users’ attention  .

You can vary these images with photos, infographics, montages and even promotional elements of your business.

It is worth remembering that photos posted in real time also generate optimal opportunities to generate maximum  engagement.

9.    Videos

Videos have the highest sharing rates on Facebook.

With the autoplay feature, which starts playing the video automatically, it is much easier to attract the user’s attention.

Videos uploaded directly to the social network  perform better  than those that link to other sites, such as  YouTube .

So, don’t hesitate to post videos that are fun, informative, and related to your business.

To find out the recommended sizes of images and videos for Facebook and other social networks, don’t hesitate to download this free infographic !

10.   Contests

When you regularly run contests on your Fanpage, users tend to stay engaged and return to your business page for more content.

In addition to that,  they generate excellent results  when it comes to  engagement  .

The ones that tend to perform best are those that challenge users to test their creativity. Although there are also some techniques that require actions such as sharing, liking or the famous “tag a friend”.

11.   Calls to action

Calls  to action  are an excellent way to generate  engagement  on Facebook.

These help to activate the lever that causes the user to perform some action.

For example: “comment here” or “click to learn more.”

This tactic is great because it can lead you back to the strategies you actually made for your business.

12.   Trivia

Trivia questions are multiple choice questions.

They are fun and challenging for the user. And of course, they generate lots of comments!

You can even define a day of the week to carry them out,  making user access to your  business page frequent.

You can also use a hashtag to segment your posts and request that the user use it.

13.   Links

There are two ways to post a link on Facebook.

One of them, the most recommended, is in the for your team how to format attached to the image, so, when clicking on the photo that is generated, the user is directed to the linked destination page.

It is an optimal way to achieve traffic for a  site or blog , especially when the content adds value to the Internet user.

The other way is through publishing the URL in the text.

Generally, they are used when the administrator intends to put a different image in the publication.

These do not have a very attractive visual, since they are generally very long, but you can use a URL shortener, such as the one from  Google  or  Migre.me .

14.   Posts shared by other pages

Many  administrators  believe that it is not good or beneficial to share content created by other pages, but this is not true.

In  digital marketing , the user comes first, so if one of your competitors shares something that is relevant to your audience, don’t hesitate to share it on your business page.

This action shows that caring about the user brings many benefits to both your Fanpage and the site where the content was originally published.

15.   Stories

Storytelling  is one of the resources that generates the most  engagement  in  online marketing.

Tell users about your company.

Show them that they are people who work with you on a daily basis.

Reveals interesting cases, etc.ad

Stories have better  engagement  when they are aqb directory published in video format, for example; although nothing prevents you from using text and images to carry them out.

And finally, did you like the article? If you want to know more about content marketing on Facebook, download our E-book on the subject !

Even on our blog, you can also find various articles that can help you optimize your performance on the world’s largest social network and create successful posts!

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