Since the spread of COVID-19, 34% of people respondto a survey that they have “increas the amount of time they spend using SNS (social networking services) such as Twitter, Instagram, LINE, and Facebook.” (*1)
The background to this is largely related to new
Lifestyles such as refraining from going out to prevent the spread of infection and working from home, and what people want from social mia and the situations in which they use it are changing from before.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, people’s cameroon phone number library lives and the economy have been greatly affect by the state of emergency declaration, and more people are checking the news on social mia such as Twitter. (*2)
In addition, as online shopping and delivery orders have increase and even when going to stores, many users are using SNS to gather information in advance, such as reviews, in order to ruce the time they spend outside the store. (*2)
it is becoming increasingly ordering website promotion in search engines: drafting technical specifications possible to complete the “purchase” and “application” directly on SNS. Until now, SNS has been us in situations such as “interacting with people” and “gathering the latest information on hobbies and trends,” but it is expect that there will be an increasing demand for it as a place to “gather information on daily shopping and life” and “purchasing activities.”
Social media will continue to grow in presence. 5 marketing techniques!
In the past, when people learnabout a product or service and became interestin it, they would use search engines such as Google or Yahoo! to research the product. However, recent surveys have shown that the rate of cell phone number website visits from natural search in search engines and the click-through rate from search results are on the decline, with 50% of results “not being clicke (*3)
There are various possible reasons for this, but the aforemention increase in the number of SNS users and the amount of time spent on them is also thought to be one of the factors. Many companies are already practicing this, but with the calls for digitalization in many areas, SNS marketing is expect to become even more important in the future. This is digital marketing that uses SNS, where people are increasingly sending and collecting information and making purchases, to promote awareness of brands and products, and promote sales. Here we will introduce five specific methods of this type of digital marketing.