A guest blog by Kyle Jepson (Senior Inbound Sales Professor at HubSpot)
Is this a sales process? Or a buying process?
Today we’re going to do what successful companies do: we’re going to look at it from both sides at once.
Let’s explore how to make your sales process buyer-centric.
What are the buyer-centric steps in the sales process?
A buyer-centric sales process stage is one that is represented from the buyer’s perspective. Recall that the sales sweden phone number data process is a set of clearly defined steps and methods of communication between a company and its customers. prospects . Think about this stage from the buyer’s perspective. How would they view this part of the sales process?
How to make the sales process buyer-centric?
In most cases, simply changing the names of your sales process steps slightly can make them buyer-centric. But that small change can make a huge difference in how your team operates. If you frame the sales process in terms of the seller’s the social media marketing plan. online communication (part I) steps, your reps might think, “Here’s what I need to do with this buyer.” The buyer will feel like they’re being dragged into something that’s more the seller’s job than theirs. On the other hand, if you reframe the process from the buyer’s perspective, your reps will think, “Here’s what I need to help this buyer accomplish,” and buyers will feel like they’re on the same page.
Buyer-centric means that the sales team’s actions align with the buyer. Every step of the sales process should be a rep-centric action and a buyer-centric outcome.
Every step of the sales process is focused on the buyer and your team
You might be thinking, “Wait a minute, you uab directory just said I should focus on my team’s actions, not buyers.” This isn’t a contradiction. You want each step to be a combination of a rep-centric action and a buyer-centric outcome. For example, you might have a step that you’ve named “Demo.” Demoing your product is an action your rep can take, but the exit criteria for the “Demo” step should be a buyer action, such as scheduling another meeting or accepting a proposal submission.
For most sales teams, reps might say, “It’s in the demo stage because I gave them a demo,” but that says nothing about where the buyer is in their journey .
A demonstration is a step in evaluating a product
Rename a demo step to “Product Reviewed” and set the buyer exit criteria as follows:
- The buyer showed up for the demonstration and got his questions answered.
- Before the call ended, the buyer scheduled another meeting to discuss the next steps.
- The buyer responded to a recap email, confirming the appointment and next steps.
What happens after a sales demonstration?
As a sales manager, you can say, “I saw that you moved this sale out of the evaluation stage. Can I see the email where the buyer verified your next steps?”