Before you pick out the least effective words

It’s worth downloading this report and seeing which ones are driving the most conversions, and which ones are not. Conversion Value in Google Ads This will show you which keywords are important and valuable to you. You can also use the report to Before you determine which keyword combinations work best. Transferring a report to Data Studio Using the Google Analytics add-on , create a table. Be sure to include Metrics, Dimensions, and Order in it. Transferring the Conversion Report to Data Studio If configured correctly, the report will be highlighted in green.

Importing Conversion

Report into Data Studio Next, we transfer south korea phone number library all the necessary information to Google Data Studio . The Google table will act as a source. We set the necessary parameters for contextual advertising and transfer. Where and to whom you are going to show your ads; make a list of keywords. Create an advertisement ; distribute the available budget.

Search for competitors in Yandex

Google search engines It is necessary to know advantages of wood and the enemy. Before you or rather the competitor, by sight, so first of all we go to the search engine and see what kind of advertising the competitors offer. Remember that the request must be specific and necessarily take into account your location. To do this, be sure to check the correctness of the region in the search. In the Yandex search engine, this can be done in the upper left corner, just click on the name of the city and change it to the desired one.

After the region is selected

We enter a key request , based on specific qatar data phrases: buy, order, to order, etc. All displayed ads will be related to the “paid issuance” section. It is better to use a table, we will need this data later. In the Google system, it is more difficult to change the region. In it, you can add to the request the city Before you in which you want to find ads, but you can also use the extension for Google Chrome called Gep Clever.


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