Art direction or graphic design? What are the main differences


The world of design is very broad the branches in which a person can specialize are increasingly more in this world that today is totally visual. Keep reading and find out the differences between a graphic designer and an art designer!

Studying Art Direction or Graphic Design
Students who enter the world of graphic design and art direction have a wide variety of professional opportunities. Graphic design agencies advertising communication marketing are some of the alternatives to enter this world.

Studying Art Direction or Graphic Design

What does the Art Direction degree consist of?
Art direction is a department in charge of everything related to the image and the way in which the message is communicated so it is necessary to have knowledge of cinematographic language and also sound language.

As a career art direction deals with coordinating the work of different professionals in regards to the transmission of an idea or image using at all times design techniques that give them a certain meaning.

What does the career of Graphic Design consist of?

Studying graphic design has become a trend in recent years. Graphic design is a professional career that consists of the creation of audiovisual content for social networks and web platforms.

Being a graphic designer allows students to master the creation of visual pieces and advertising campaigns for any digital environment. The graphic designer deals with corporate identity so that a brand stands out among the competition present in the market which is known as branding. The use of a good color palette for the packaging of a product or service and the design of fonts and calligraphy is one of the fundamental values ​​that graphic design provides.


Digital tools for graphic design

What are the main differences between Art Direction and Graphic Design?
It is often said that all art directors are graphic designers but not all graphic designers are art directors. The truth is that the mix of both profiles often complement each other.

Digital tools for graphic design
Graphic designers master design tools such as Photoshop Illustrator or InDesign. In some large advertising agencies some art directors have their own graphic design teams. Photoshop is the quintessential program for graphic designers very useful for bitmap image composition video graphics photocomposition and web design.

Illustrator is another essential tool for a good graphic designer us for tasks such as creating web graphics designing logos and posters illustrations fonts icons etc.

The creative process of the art director

The art director thinks creatively and strategically and the graphic designer focuses merely on the production of the piece (previously thought out) to capture the ideas of the art director. Qualities such as leadership good communication knowledge in certain areas trends and self-criticism are some of the qualities that can be found in the figure of the art director full of creativity.

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Graphic design and art direction are an artistic mix

The art director in general terms entrusts projects to creative collaborators who are responsible for executing and carrying out the ideas of the art director. Thus in some agencies the art director and copywriter form what is known as a creative couple.

The art director as a visual manager of a campaign
The art director masters both visual and audiovisual language to convert ideas into both graphic pieces such as brochures flyers audiovisual pieces such as commercials and videos and digital pieces such as applications or websites.


The graphic designer is the person in charge of carrying out the visual projects of the art director and must have a thorough knowledge of all the phases that are part of the graphic production process from the design of the sketch to its printing.

Why combine design and art direction in a single course

Art Direction is a specialty relat to marketing and advertising which is responsible for developing ideas and transmitting them through images taking into account the target audience they are aim at as well as the interests of that target. This work includes a great involvement of creativity and visual creation since it transfers images to the graphic plane.

Art Directors work together with advertising croatia whatsApp number database copywriters. They are the team that works to create all kinds of advertising campaigns. The Art Director is in charge of coordinating all the visual aspects of the campaign.

The person responsible for art direction is the one who

Directs both the graphic and web design or video teams since they all have components that are part of visual communication. In shortthe Art Director is the one who directs the entire visual strategy of the brand and makes sure that all the parts are following the line establish in the brand strategy.

To be an Art Director you can study the career of Art Direction as well as other

Careers relat to the image such as Graphic Design. You can also choose a more general degree such as Advertising and then specialise in Art Direction kob directory by taking a Master’s degree. This last option will give you in addition to the specific knowledge of being an art director a more comprehensive understanding of the Advertising career in general.

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