Advertising and content marketing

Furthermore, each communication proposal that exists, by tendency, mutates or mixes with some other to the point of forming another aspect.

There is something fundamental that we want to reflect on here and that is that marketing and its techniques, methods and communication formulas are designed to be constantly modified to meet demands.

Not to mention the obligatory dialogue that exists today between the physical and digital worlds, and the public’s demands for respect and objectivity from brands so that they can be presented WITHOUT the abrupt interruption that used to occur in previous years and without saturating spaces with worthless advertisements.

Well, by the way,  have you heard of the term native advertising?  An apparent daughter of the values ​​proposed by  Inbound Marketing ,  Branded Content  and even  traditional Advertising .

Wait a minute… so much knowledge at once?

Those three and even more. For this occasion, we will talk here at  about native advertising: what it is and how it takes indirect communication and sales techniques one step further.

Without more and without less:

What is Native Advertising?

It seems that Native Advertising is just starting out, when in reality it did not appear suddenly, but rather it was the evolution of some formats, as we explained in the introduction.

The term itself comes from the English term  Native Advertising  and refers to the  publication of paid content that is presented on a specific channel  without interference and that is linked to a context to provide the user experience.

Wait, wait there. Slow down.

The term Native Advertising is made up of two terms:

Advertising , which refers to paid media to advertise a product, service or idea. And  native , which refers to a natural habitat. In fact, the word native in the composition of the term means that it is advertising that seems to belong, naturally, to the channel in which it is inserted.

Native advertising is very similar to the creation of  digital content , and in fact,  content is the advertising medium in this method,  with the addition that it is still advertising but it does not interrupt the user in their browsing experience, but rather gives them the possibility to choose whether they want to consume such content or not.

What is native advertising based on?

As we have already explained, content creation is the basis of this form of digital communication. It draws on the spaces that can be provided, mainly blogs and social networks, to be able to develop.

Because of its presentation, native advertising manages to camouflage itself and appear to be a report, an article or an interview conducted by the media in which it appears, all with the aim of gaining the credibility that traditional advertising has lost for many years.

Yes! Even though it may be similar to the other content that appears on the channel, it cannot fail to warn the user who consumes it that it is all sponsored content.

But stop right there! Just because it is sponsored content and it wants to blend in with the other natural content on a site, for example, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have the obligation to offer information and education benefits to the user.

In fact, native advertising emerged with the aim of showing traditional advertising that 30 seconds of a commercial or a pop-up on the Internet are not always enough to inform, convince and give the public confidence in a proposal. But, on the contrary, a report, an entertaining article with photos, videos, animations, among others, could open interesting spaces for users in which they could even ask, comment and receive answers in direct and real time.

Characteristics of native advertising

Native advertising is based on the well-known phrase:  put yourself in the consumer’s shoes .  It carries this motto within itself in order to not deviate from the parameters of providing, in its sponsored content, the experience, education, relevant information and the offer that the user  would truly like to receive .

To know what the user wants, it is simply a matter of doing research to find out if said consumer has a need or problem to solve and that the brand has what it takes to meet that need.

In addition to the above, native advertising has the following characteristics:

Keep in mind the context

As a good advertising company, it knows the importance of segmentation, because with this it is able to understand which audience it wants to target. But, in addition, the context is what makes native advertising take a step ahead of traditional techniques.

With context, you not only know who your audience is, but also the problem that your audience has, you can think of strategies to solve that problem, and you can understand when is the right time to come up with the solution.

Diversity in formats

There are countless content formats! From articles to images, videos, infographics, and many others. Native advertising has a  very wide range of possibilities , and can be used, for example:

  • Sponsored blog posts
  • Social Ads
  • Informative Videos on YouTube
  • Product placement
  • Ads integrated into editorial content
  • Search Ads
  • Online advertorials
  • Ads in search engine results 

Everything will always depend on the audience you want to reach and the topic, of course, that you are going to address.

Always useful

No matter how much advertising it is, its main component: the content, forces it to always be useful. If the user sees the article and feels identified with his need, it is very likely that he will enter it. Point for advertising! In addition, apart from entering the article, if the user stays in that space and returns to it frequently if he found the appropriate information that leads him to the solution of his need, it will be a point for the content!

And speaking of other matters, we have mentioned on several occasions how similar native advertising is to content marketing. Which leads us to ask, do you know what the difference is between both techniques?

Well… And what is the difference between Native ?

So far, it seems like we’re talking about  content marketing  when we’re talking about native advertising. And the truth is that they’re not very different: both try to create content that’s useful for a consumer’s problem. What’s more, the way they work with content is also somewhat similar.

So where does it differ?

Let’s look at this chart below:


In reality, one is not better than the other, they simply resolve different general objectives that correspond to: costs, specific objectives, stage of the brand and communication, and the time frame in which results are expected to be obtained.

Finally, the fundamental difference between the two is that:

  • The user finds native advertising only when browsing the specific channel in which it is inserted.
  • In content marketing, a person only needs Google or a search engine to find the content.

Advantages of implementing a native advertising strategy

As we have already seen, native advertising seeks to integrate the best of both worlds: the immediacy of traditional advertising and the relevance of the content.

Both techniques put into dialogue achieve:

  • Reduce the barriers that users establish towards advertising spaces;
  • Provide reasonable context for a sales proposal;
  • Increase a user’s trust in a brand;
  • Increases the likelihood that the message will be shared and known by more users.

Don’t miss our content  on Advertising vs. Content lebanon mobile database Marketing . There you will gain insight into both communication approaches.

Furthermore, Native Advertising is becoming more and more popular among advertisers. Why is that?

  • Because it launches ads more directly about an offer;
  • Takes into account the  person ‘s problem  and tries to solve it;
  • It is not limited to generating impact, but also seeks to be useful.

What to keep in mind when doing Native Advertising?

Here are some basic recommendations for targeting native advertising action:

  • Think like a journalist: the job is to create interesting content that does not lose its relationship with the product, idea or service to be offered.
  • The visit to the content must be matured through education
  • Include  CTAs  in a video or article so that the user can directly see where to purchase the product or service.
  • Knowing audience data: knowing what also helps customers connect with they are looking for and where they go, helps to choose the spaces and content to advertise.

Would you like to learn about 3 examples of Native Advertising? I invite you to visit the following link:  3 amazing examples of native advertising .

Of course, there is no room for errors.

Mistakes are frowned upon in any type of communication strategy. And now, when these communication strategies demonstrate a sponsorship interest, as is the case with native advertising, there is less room for mistakes. Therefore, avoid:

  • The poor choice of an advertising format
  • A wrong choice of media
  • Misreading of contexts
  • Bad creativity
  • An incorrect reading and interpretation of metrics and KPIs.
  • Offer the input product or service before solving a user problem
  • Spelling mistakes

The list could be longer, but we consider these to be the main issues to keep in mind in order not to ruin a native advertising strategy.

At the end of the proposal

Native advertising: an additional way to create aqb directory communication with sales objectives, of course. However, it has a great addition and that is to respect, unlike many traditional communication proposals, the spaces in which the user experience is involved.

It is called native precisely because it becomes one with the environment in which it is found so that the user has the option of interacting with it or not.

Would you ever be interested in applying this strategy? Check out this interesting native advertising generator! A page with various options where you can create advertising on different platforms and channels, as well as edit 

Why not try?

Tell us what you think about native advertising! Have you tried it yet? Still have questions about what it is and why it’s a step ahead of traditional marketing strategies? Let us know in the comments!

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