This is done using special tools of VKontakte itself or by sending messages to users. The main task of the CP is to attract the maximum possible uae phone number library number of new readers. The average VKontakte reader has 300-500 friends, which is why the owners have to be a little cunning: using “inviting” they first “fill” as many friends as possible, and only then start sending out messages. But even so, it is impossible to send out more than 40 invitations a day.
To prevent a page from being BAN’d
The owner can: Be meticulous in selecting what is the minimum size those to whom invitations are sent. It is best if they are interested people. Use fake pages (time consuming). Motivation for action One of the simplest, but nevertheless working methods is a call to action. This can be a repost to your page or to friends, activity in the group itself (comments, likes), invitations to friends, etc. Although such calls can be seen in many groups, are they effective? Of course, any motivation is better than none.
But at the same time
Statistics show that only a few repost phone list and like, and even fewer invite friends. Out of a thousand subscribers, only two to ten listen to the requests of administrators. Therefore, to stimulate activity, you can use motivation: raffles, gifts, privileges (for example, free advertising publications in your public page). It is worth remembering that news in the user’s feed is currently formed based on chronological mechanisms, not algorithmic ones. This further proves the need to create and publish high-quality and interesting content.