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What is the minimum size | betting email list

What is the minimum size

A flagpole can add a beautiful and interesting look to your garden . Whether it is an expression of patriotism or just a purely decorative element, flags and banners are becoming increasingly popular. But what should you bear in mind when hoisting national flags in your garden? In this article you will find all the important information on the subject of hoisting national flags in your own garden.

Is a flagpole a structural change?

Before erecting a flagpole in the garden, the question naturally arises as to whether this is a structural change or not. In principle, you can say yes, because a flagpole is an object that is firmly attached to the ground. A flagpole is a structural change within the meaning of Section 22 of the WEG.

Due to these structural changes, the consent of the landlord (if it is a rented property) or, if applicable, the owners’ association is usually required. The different federal states may have different regulations here. For example, in Berlin, a permit is only required for buildings over four meters in height (OLG Berlin, ref. no.: 20 O 57/15).

How far should the flagpole be from the neighboring property?

When erecting a flagpole, the distance to the neighbouring property must also be taken into account. Although there is no uniform regulation, a minimum distance of at least one metre is recommended. However, it is always worth speaking to the neighbours beforehand and, if necessary, obtaining written consent. The flagpole should neither disturb nor obstruct the neighbours’ view.

What is the minimum size of the foundation for a flagpole?

Another important point when erecting a shareholder database flagpole is the

foundation. Since most flagpoles are five to ten meters high, a corresponding

foundation is necessary. The foundation should therefore be large enough to ensure

that it is firmly anchored in the ground and to guarantee that the mast remains stable

even in strong storms. The size of the foundation naturally depends on the size of the

flagpole. For a four-meter-high mast, a foundation of around 100 × 100 centimeters

is usually required. It is recommended to use concrete of grade C25/30.

Which flags may be flown?

Before you buy a country flag and hoist it in  marketing traction your garden , you should familiarize yourself with the official meaning of the flag in question (if you are unsure) in order to avoid any problems. In general, however, a wide variety of different flags can be hoisted. Whether it is the flag of your favorite football team, sports club or, of course, a corresponding country flag, it usually doesn’t matter.

In Germany, for example, the federal flag, the flags of the states and the flags of the member states of the European Union are permitted. Flags of other states with which Germany has diplomatic relations can also be flown. However, before buying and flying certain country flags, you must ensure that these flags do not contradict the applicable laws.

However, you should be careful with official flags and ask before hoisting them. In general, you should also be aware that, depending on the political situation, certain flags (even if they are permitted) should not be hoisted temporarily in order to avoid irritation.

Which flags can be flown in the garden?

There are a few things to consider when usa lists choosing a flag for your garden . Basically, pretty much anything is allowed, but…! National flags are generally allowed, but they can evoke negative associations with some neighbors or passers-by. You should also make sure that the flag is not too big and does not extend too far into the public space .

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