Immediately, train traffic on all

Back to the serious accident involving a Immediately train  person in La Courneuve – Aubervilliers
This Tuesday morning? a serious accident involving a person took place at La Courneuve – Aubervilliers station? seriously impacting the running of your trains all morning.

On December 3? at 6:51 a.m.? a serious Immediately train  accident involving one person occurred in La Courneuve – Aubervilliers with a TER.   lines in the area was interrupted in both directions. For the RER B? traffic was first interrupte between Le Bourget and Gare du Nord. The rest of the line was disrupted. Initially? the estimated time for resumption is 9 a.m.

All traffic is being reorganize

In order to maintain train traffic on uninterrupte sections? turnarounds are kuwait phone number library being made on tracks 43 and 44 at Gare du Nord? then at La Plaine – Stade de France for the south? and from Le Bourget station to the north of the line? so that passengers can complete their journey.

Station agents are redirecting passengers to the T4? RER E? RER D? Transilien line H or even the T11? which will be reinforce in the morning. A fare exemption is being put in place for passengers going to complete guide to reach the top Charles de Gaulle airport? so that they can take the Roissybus.

The firefighters arrive at

The scene of the incident at 7:22 a.m. The section was modifie: traffic was then interrupte between Le Bourget and La Plaine – Stade de France. The resumption time was pushe back to 9:15 a.m.? then to 10 a.m.? to give the firefighters time to carry out their intervention and the police to conduct their investigation.

At 9:38 a.m.? the funeral home arrive on site adb directory and the police finishe their investigation. The officers were then able to take charge of the passengers on the affecte TER so that they could be evacuate from the train. All of these interventions require a further postponement of the time for resuming traffic. It was then estimated at 11:30 a.m. Station officers and SUGE teams were reinforce in the stations? particularly La Plaine – Stade de France.

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