The importance of keywords

We know well that The importance of keywords Google Ads  (the former Google AdWords)  is based on keywords , that is, on key words that, once activated by user searches, allow companies to display their advertisement in the top positions on the first page of Google.

Subsequently, only if the user clicks on the ad (thus landing on the site), Google will charge a cost (cost-per-click) to the company’s advertising account.

So far, there are no problems, but morocco phone number library what happens if a user who is searching on Google for “truck with crane” sees an advertisement for a company that sells used cranes? Probably, because of the unclear title of the advertisement or out of simple curiosity, the user will click on the advertisement anyway, only to discover by visiting the site that the company does not offer what he was looking for.

For the user it will only be a trivial waste of time, but for the company this will mean having invested in a click from a user who, in reality, was not intereste in their product/service.

To overcome this inconvenience, a feature that is often overlooke by those who run Google Ads campaigns comes to our aid. We are talking about negative match keywords .

This is an equally important tool compare to classic keywords, which allows us to show our ad to the ideal target.

So what are negative keywords?

When we decide to start a campaign on the Google Ads search network, we define a series of keywords to intercept our target audience.

Starting from broad match advantages and disadvantages keywords, we identify exact match and phrase match keywords. It is at this point that we must take care of telling Google when not to show our ad by defining the negative keywords. We therefore define which keywords should not be involve in our campaign .

These are essentially some keywords that, instead of activating, block the publication of ads and consequently allow you not to waste your budget.

The Effectiveness of Negative Keywords

We have just seen how by beb directory inserting some “negative keywords” into the campaign , also known as “negative keywords”, we can block the publication of ads and consequently avoid spending budget unnecessarily.

In the example cite above, if we had inserte the term “truck” in the list of negative keywords, the ad would not have appeare and thus we would have saved budget, which would then have been used for the most relevant searches and with a greater possibility of reaching the final conversion.

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