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On the consumption habits of
On the consumption habits of their generation demystifying multi level marketing and society in general who are these young . Digital marketing leaders?Summary why do young people want to become influencers? While teenagers and young . Adults can spend hours alone in front of their screen they have never been more . Eager to expand their virtual communityfor some influencing the act of purchasing or creating a . New style is above all a way to satisfy their need to belong they blog .
For the pleasure of sharing
For the pleasure of sharing a passion common to all their subscribers creating content to . Support a cause or simply presenting a latest trendy purchase uae cell number to their friends these nano-influencers . Have approximately between and trusted followersmicro-influencers have a number of subscribers that can . Reach internet users with a high engagement ratefor the most successful on the networks . The brands pay them enough to quickly propel them to the rank of young entrepreneurs .
Thus macro-influencers as true brand
Thus macro-influencers as true brand icons can arouse the interest of to followers . Often thanks to a blog or a youtube channeldigital influencer: a first choice strategist for . Brands from the first youtubers to the tiktok phenomenon via facebook and the advent of . Instagram brands are spoiled for choice among young ambassadors who are very active on the . Networksstudies have in fact shown that consumer comments via these social media channels have a .