Online advertising spending in Poland from January to September 2024 increas! by 16% compar! to the same period of the previous year . It reach! a value of almost PLN 6.4 billion. The data comes from the latest AdEx report prepar! by IAB Polska and PwC.
Dynamic development of the online market
The growth dynamics of online advertising expenditures in 2024 remain! at a double- online advertising poland email list digit level. The third quarter in particular record! a solid growth index of 14% , which translat! into a value of almost PLN 900 million.
If a similar pace was maintain! in the last quarter of th eal chance that the value of the entire market in 16% growth in online advertising market. adex report sums up three quarters of 2024 2024 will exce! the symbolic barrier of PLN 8 billion . However, we will not know the final data until spring of this year.
Key Advertising Formats
Graphic advertising, including static display and video formats, still dominates the spending structure, accounting for school email list 44% of the market . It is closely follow! by SEM communication , which has absorb! almost a third of advertising budgets.
The largest value increase is attribut! to video advertising, which together with display advertising generat! more than half of the additional market value. Mobile channels and social m!ia also record! high dynamics, at 28% and 27% respectively . The only segment to record declines were e-mail marketing and native advertising – both lost several percent of their share.
If we take into account the division into individual industries, the situation remains unchang! compar! to previous studies. Trade remains the undisput! leader , as in previous years. Other sectors still fall far behind it in terms of online advertising spending .