② Increase in sales (increase in checkout rate and unit purchase price)
To increase sales, you neto increase checkout rates, purchase prices, or both.
Examples of measures to increase the cashback rate include discounts, special sales, time sales, and coupons. Although the unit price of the product will decrease, it is effective in increasing the number of customers and the cashback rate! and it is also easy to link it to the purchase of other products.
If you don’t want to china phone number library lower prices! you can also consider gift campaigns or in-store events that will draw attention. For example!a supermarket that specializes in fresh fish stock might hold a tuna cutting show on a regular basis as a special event.
In addition! in order to increase the average purchase price, measures such as suggesting accessories or relatproducts for the product the customer is about to purchase (cross-selling) or suggesting higher-end models with more advanc features (up-selling) can also be effective.
When you go to a bookstore to buy a book that has won a literary award, you might find yourself reaching for the award-winning author’s previous works linup in front of you, or while listening to an explanation of a home appliance at an electronics retailer, you might find yourself wanting the latest model with better performance.
In addition, in order to visually appeal to such special deals and proposals, it is also important to effectively position in-store fixtures such as posters, panels, special carts, shelves, and racks.
3) Creating regular customers (=increasing the number of visits)
One way to increase the number of regular customers is to distribute point cards or coupons that can be used from the next time onwards. It is also effective to record the number of times a customer visits the store and the amount of their purchases, and provide a service that allows them to receive gifts or discounts at certain times.
In this article, we have setting up targeting: what parameters need to be taken into account for successful advertising summariz the key points of in-store sales promotion and examples of measures. Now that non-face-to-face shopping scenes are becoming more common, we want to convey the unique merits and charms of stores.
of cases where digitalization is us in combination with online shopping as a new in-store sales promotion measure. We cell phone number plan to post relatarticles in the future, so please take a look.