Web content is one of the fundamental elements of digital marketing : when we surf the Internet, we look for something that satisfies our specific information, entertainment or purchasing needs. However, the web is definitely overcrowded with content, very often generated by users themselves ( User Generated Content ), such as videos, social posts and so on.
Therefore, it is essential that the contents for a website are included within a Content Marketing strategy , which preliminarily selects which type of web content to use and optimizes such contents for search engines.
The term “ web content ” refers to “ informative content composed of text, images, video and audio, that is, everything that can be uploaded to the Web and, thanks to this, conveyed ”. This definition alone is enough to understand how this concept is rather vast. To summarize, we can divide web content into four macro categories :
- articles and blog posts colombia phone number library
- infographics, animations and GIFs
- video
- podcast.
Knowing these content categories is essential to choosing the type that best suits your site and your business goals.
Articles and blog posts
In this category we can include all the texts for websites , from articles on a blog to news on a news site. As you can easily imagine, the characterizing element of this type of web content is the written text. Which is a fundamental element for positioning on search engines. It is precisely here that the work of professionals who deal with. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is concentrated.
Quality textual content must respect the rules of good copywriting : it must therefore be relevant to the target audience, consistent with the style of the site and the context in which it is distributed and obviously optimised for search engines and shareable on social media, in order to easily reach the identified target. More Details : backend development
Web Content: Infographics, GIFs and Animations
In this second category of content, the image is the cameroon business directory master: the visual is the fundamental element. Which may or may not be accompanied by a written text.
An example where visuals effectively accompany written text is infographics. Where images are able to summarize information and statistics in a clear. And readable way even for the less experienced eye. Infographics are often used to graphically summarize case studies and research, to then share and distribute them online.