The benefit can be obtain by submitting an application to the tax service at the place of registration, and only for one vehicle.
These are the very same inscriptions that were on the cars of Altai residents in the spring of 2015, who were extremely outrag by the state of the roads in their region. The high transport tax Altai Krai 2015 – 2016 does not solve the problem of extremely poor road surfaces:
In some cities (Rubtsovsk, Biysk) after the last winte
Repairs were the roads either betting database not carri out at all, or officials got away with hastily carri out pothole repairs using low-quality materials, and in wet weather. Thus, in 2015, the situation turn out to be critical: normal traffic was hamper by huge potholes and a complete lack of markings. A similar situation is with sidewalks.
The only explanation the roads for this state of affairs, along with high rates of transport tax in the Altai Territory, is corruption. Also, no one monitors the compliance of road repair technology, snow and ice are not remov on time, and the sewage system often does not work. All this prompt local residents to write a petition to the country’s president.
However, even today, a significant
Part of the roads in the the first income of 6 bloggers and affiliates outskirts of the Altai Territory are in very poor condition, which agb directory cannot be said, for example, about feral roads – “Chuisky Tract”, “Barnaul – Rubtsovsk”, as well as the recently builtĀ tourist road to Belokurikha – 2. The famous “Chuisky Tract” was even the subject of a series of programs the roads on the Discovery Channel, and this is not surprising, because it is much more important to maintain your reputation in front of other regions or even countries than in front of your own residents, constantly maneuvering between potholes!