The goal of the primary audience analysis is to determine who your primary target audience is, as well as the secondary target audience – the influencers who influence the primary target audience. In this article, we will look at what the primary audience analysis should look like.
It is most logical to conduct such an
analysis following the situational email data analysis of your business or project. It is worth involving communications specialists and product managers. Without all these anglicisms, then you need people who:
collect and analyze socio-demographic statistics,
using surveys, focus groups or at least analysis of social networks/forums/search queries will understand the psychology of the selected group,
identify barriers and incentives for using your product/service,
draw conclusions on how to communicate with the audience and convince them to choose you.
And don’t expect to spend a couple
of days on everything. Such an analysis will take three to four weeks. You will understand that it has been carried out successfully when you have completed four tasks:
Brainstorm with your team and think about who faces the problem or need that your project addresses.
At the first stage, don’t try to comments to read! but when describe this group of people in great detail – unless your product is so niche that it will only be needed by a thousand people across the country. In the standard case, your potential target audience may be quite broad groups: for example, adult men or women, apartment owners, car drivers, etc.
The priority audience is not cmb directory always the audience that directly experiences the effect of the problem or some need. It is the audience whose behavior must change for your project to achieve its goal. The most obvious example is if you sell toys for children, they are your potential audience. But the decision to buy will ultimately be made by parents, so they become the priority target audience.