Local building regulations often specify a direction that houses must face. This is based on a uniform cityscape. If you look in the four cardinal directions in the morning, noon and evening in a city center, you will notice that many cities from the Middle Ages or even from Roman times are aligned with the cardinal directions. Whether they are eaves- or gable-facing varies from region to region. What are the reasons for aligning buildings with the cardinal directions?
As a smoker, pay attention to the usual wind direction
The ideal place for a smoking corner on a property is usually easy to find. Almost all buildings have an outdoor corner that is almost windless. To protect against storm damage, it is common to place houses with a pitched roof with the roof facing the wind. If strong winds in the region mostly come from the west, a pitched roof will also face west. The pitched roof reduces the force of the wind and drives it upwards, away from the house. Behind the house, towards the east, it is therefore almost windless. Looking from the house, towards the east is therefore the best place to put ashtrays outside . The cigarette smoke rises and is not blown into your own house or your neighbor’s house.
Choose a bedroom according to sunrise or sunset
In many building plans, the bedroom windows doctor database face north. This is to prevent direct sunlight from entering the bedroom, so that the room will always be the darkest, day and night. If you like to be woken up by the sun, you can designate the room in the house that faces east as your bedroom. Conversely, rooms with windows facing west offer plenty of evening sun and beautiful sunsets. So it depends on your own daily rhythm whether facing north is the best choice or whether a view to the northeast or northwest is a suitable deviation from the basic direction. In the room itself, opaque blinds can be used to create a temporary darkness as desired. Simple curtains, on the other hand, can create an atmosphere like twilight.
Facing the garden to the south
A garden with plants and trees is often positioned millions of advertisers are south of the house. The sun shines longest in the south of the property. This is where vegetation thrives best. If the house is in the middle of the property, it should not be in the sun all day. Tall trees will eventually tower over the building and could then be placed to the north. On the one hand, they will have a harder time reaching the necessary height in the shade. On the other hand, they will take a lot of light away from the neighboring property, so they may not be able to stay there. A herb garden does not tolerate blazing sun and prefers partial shade. It is worth looking to the east for a nice spot for it.
When driving on a slope, consider path lengths
If the plot of land where your home is located is usa lists on a slope, this affects the amount of light and the effects of wind and storms. Slopes have mostly only been built on in recent times and were long reserved for forests and arable land. Historical, medieval town centers tend to be in depressions and on flat areas. Houses on slopes often have a wonderful, wide view. Where this is the case, the living room and garden tend to face downhill. When planning a house and garden on a slope, the distances to be covered play a greater role. With every transport, such as daily shopping, furniture and furnishings, but also tap water and sewage, differences in altitude have to be overcome. This must be taken into account in addition to the cardinal directions when planning.