of store that we’re operating. Is it in an also look indoor costa rica phone number library mall location where we don’t have as much control over ventilation—we don’t have as much control over shared surfaces that our customers might be touching—versus an outdoor street location? We take all those factors in combination, along with qualitative feedback that we’re getting from our team on the ground who lives in those cities and lives in those neighborhoods.
Decided to open our first
seven stores, and we’re tracking every county that we have a store in across the U.S. and Canada. We’re tracking metrics on a daily basis to try to understand which regions are likely to be safe to operate stores, and which [regions] we will continue to wait until we see data that indicates better levels of safety.
Mentioned some pretty drastic
changes to the retail experience here—necessary feminism and advertising: it’s booming changes, but drastic changes, nonetheless. From what you’ve learned in just these few short weeks since reopening, what new things do you believe are here to stay for the long run when considering retail shopping as a whole?
Gilboa: We believe crises tend to accelerate ao lists existing trends, and that this one is no different.