The days of campaign display depend on this parameter. Initially, the start date is set to the current day. AdButton specialists recommend vietnam phone number library specifying the end date, especially if you plan to launch a campaign for a promotion. Setting up campaign restrictions in Yandex Direct The schedule settings initially set up a 24-hour broadcast of announcements, and it is better not to change this setting at first in order to obtain detailed statistics.
You can also set a time limit
This is great if you are promoting an offer what information does an that is only valid on weekends until 8pm. Campaign impression schedule in Yandex Direct It is recommended to experiment with these settings only after collecting detailed conversion statistics. Let’s move on to rate adjustments. Everything is quite simple here: either increase the rate or decrease it depending on what audience you are targeting. Again, rely on the collected statistics and analytical data.
Adjusting campaign rates in Yandex
Direct Then you need to create a list of vietnam news latter minus phrases. These words and minus phrases for rsya are excluded from the search on inappropriate sites. Basically, it is worth using minus words and phrases that will help to cut off advertising on school and student sites, because the audience on them is not provided. Additional options In this block, you should start setting up with geotargeting. We set up ad display only for users of the desired region.