GIFs (Graphics Interchange Format) , on the other hand, are particularly widespread on social media: they are a type of web content capable of conveying information dynamically. Which is the best always through the use of an image.
Good images and infographics should be:
- coherent
- relevant
- shareable
- well done on a graphic level
- originals.
Types of content for the web: videos
When included in a content marketing strategy, videos are a really effective and potentially viral content. Videos must convey the values of your brand , attracting and maintaining an audience interested in your products or services and trying to make the customer perform a certain action. Video is also an excellent tool for storytelling and is able to convey engaging and high-impact content.
A quality video for content marketing is: costa rica phone number library
- original
- consistent with company communication
- worked in post-production by professionals
- shareable on social media and potentially viral. More Details : prototyping and wireframing
Which is the best Podcast
Podcasts are audio content , usually in MP3 format, that convey information relevant to the target audience. The most common example of podcasts are those related to radio programs, which are recorded and shared online, to then be listened to at any time by users, even after the broadcast has ended.
Good audio content for the web is:
- original;
- relevant;
- working (without noise sources);
- credible; cameroon business directory
- engaging.
Analyzing the different types of content for the web , it is clear that the element common to all of them is that of involvement (technically engagement ), which absolutely cannot be overlooked in a Content Marketing strategy : the objective of the contents is in fact always to reach the target and stimulate it to perform an action.