The product photos are the focus of my blog abenteuer-brettspiele take product photos. I regularly present new or older board games and of course there are also lots of photos of me.
In the past, I either took photos with a Panasonic digital compact camera, which wasn’t bad, but wasn’t ideal (and is now broken). Or I used my Samsung digital camera (NX1000). This is a so-called bridge camera, which took good photos, but I wasn’t 100% satisfied with it either.
For this reason, and because I also needed it for other work tasks, I recently bought myself a new digital SLR camera. It is the EOS 700D from Canon .
It’s not really cheap, but it takes very, very good pictures, especially indoors, which is obviously an advantage for product photography. I’ve presented the EOS 700D in detail here.
I take the photos of the board games in our winter garden. There is good natural lighting there and you don’t have to turn on artificial light like you do in the house. And so for now, no additional lighting is necessary when taking photos.
Here are some sample photos I took with my new camera (click for larger image):
I’m particularly fond of close-ups of the game material. I think these create a particularly good atmosphere and show beautiful details. I don’t want to have a dry accountant blog, but rather to convey my enthusiasm for board games. Photos like these are very suitable for this.
But of course I also take overall photos of the entire game board or box. After all, that’s part of a review.
Other Photos
In addition to the photos of individual games, which certainly make up the majority, there are other photos that I use.
So I occasionally take photos with my smartphone during game sessions to share them on Twitter straight away. It’s not worth taking the detour of using a digital camera.
I will also be at the SPIEL trade fair in Essen this year. It is the largest board game fair in the world and hundreds of new board games are released there every year. I will certainly take photos there, if it is allowed.
Otherwise, there will also be photos of accessories in the future, such as gaming tables or similar. There are certainly many possibilities.
use photos
Of course, I then incorporate the photos I take into my articles and pages in my blog. But you shouldn’t be satisfied with that.
I also embed my photos, take product austria phone number data photos especially on social media platforms such as Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook, along with some text and links to the relevant blog articles.
In the future, I also plan to use Instagram for my board game blog. And you could also create videos with a series of photos. I’ve seen one or two people do that too.
Conclusion on Photos
I really enjoy taking photos for my blog and including them, even though I’m certainly not a professional photographer and people might find fault with my photos. But I’m not concerned with being perfect and the photos I take put me at the top of the board game bloggers.
My photos play a large part in making my blog so visually appealing and they certainly also play a part in the very positive development of my blog.
New articles on my blog
The current summer weather has not helped me customer support cases can be an important indicator publish many articles, nor has my two-week family vacation in July.
Therefore, only 6 articles have been published in the last 4 weeks, take product photos which is well below my targeted average of 2-3 per week.
But I’m sure that there will be a lot more in the fall. Then the time will start again when people prefer to stay indoors and spend time playing.
ranking and traffic development
The rankings of my board game blog are still china numbers fluctuating somewhat. Currently, the position for the main keywords (eg board game) is significantly worse again. However, it does not matter whether my blog is on page 3 or page 7 in Google for such a main keyword. In both cases, there is no traffic from Google. But of course I am doing everything I can to land in the top 10 for these important keywords. It takes time.